Thursday, May 8, 2008



Bill said...

I just looked at your woodpecker and seaside slides. The seaside and its dissolve are really nice! I was especially taken with the shells shot and may try it as a desktop photo on my computer. I tried your viewer recommendation but for now, am more taken with Picassa, the free Google image software. If you have time, take a look at it if you haven't. Or, have a student explore and explain it to a class. Bill

Mrs. Anselmo said...

Dr. Slick,
That is a cool slideshow! I am into the beaches, too! I collected a ton of sharks teeth at Venice Beach. Is that where you got your shark tooth collections? I like all of the pictures you have of the live animals! I always forget to bring my camera when I go walking on the beach. I have small pics that I take with my cell phone, but bringng a camera is a great idea! You should print those, make them bigger, and frame them!
Kristen Anselmo